Global Watch Report

A Global Report, sometimes referred to as an OFAC report or a Terrorist Watch List, is a list of individuals linked to terrorism.This service helps impede terrorists by identifying individuals linked to terrorism or classified on government watch lists, improving compliance with the United States Patriot Act.

Scope:  Varies.

Turnaround time (average):  1 Business Day.

Type of Source: OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and Blocked Persons, OFAC Sanctioned Countries including Major Cities and Ports, Non-Cooperative Countries and Territories, Department of State Trade Control (DTC) Debarred Parties, U.S. Bureau of Industry & Security (formerly BXA), Unverified Entities List, Denied Entities List, Denied Persons List, FBI Most Wanted Terrorists and Seeking Information, FBI Top Ten Most Wanted, INTERPOL Most Wanted List, Bank of England Sanctions List, OSFI - Canadian Sanctions List, United Nations Consolidated Sanctions List, Politically Exposed Persons List, European Union Terrorism List, and World Bank Ineligible Firms.

Required Information:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth (DOB)

Method: Searches are conducted by the applicant's name, If a name is found, the DOB and other identifiers are used to validate the record.